
About Shaped Architecture

Our architectural experience spans over 20 years

With a love of residential architecture we are constantly evolving to embrace new construction methods and technology. All while providing you with the best value for money.

Our goal at Shaped Architecture is to offer everyone the opportunity to live in a designer home. Too many people settle for what we believe is sub-standard design. By marrying design and functionality with efficient living and affordability, we would like to change that one home at time.


Architectural Building Shaped

Our Mission


We have a passion for designing space efficient homes and the view that architecture shouldn’t be limited to commercial buildings, concert halls and stadiums. You spend more of your life in your home than anywhere else, so why not enjoy architecture and good design, while you enjoy your home.

Our business model has allowed us to bring together a number of architecturally designed affordable house plans: realising our dream for affordable architecture in New Zealand. By partnering with experienced architectural builders around the country we take the hassle out of building and help you get into your dream home quicker.

Meet the OWNER

Richard Humphries
Richard Humphries

Architectural Designer

Having worked predominantly in New Zealand as well internationally, in the Solomon Islands and London, Richard Humphries offers a unique understanding of residential architecture. A firm believer that where we live affects how we live, Richard is constantly inspired to craft sustainable, affordable solutions for living.


Talk to our passionate team about your next project.